Splashy, huh? While we certainly hope you like the new website, this is about way more than a flashy new outfit. This really is a new WiRED in lots of ways.

We’re still real estate developers, and we like to think we’re good at that. Our mixed-use developments in Shorewood, Mequon, and Oak Creek have helped establish new community dynamics and a new way to live in each. And we’ve executed numerous other developments that have created both community and financial return.

We’re also still consultants. Our work with the Milwaukee Bucks continues in force as Blair Williams acts as Managing Director of Real Estate and is helping lead the charge in the redevelopment of over 4 city blocks of incredible real estate in downtown Milwaukee. With the Bucks, we’re absolutely committed to creating a new inclusive, dense, and diverse neighborhood with remarkable community dynamics.

Where we’re pivoting is toward an even more explicit commitment to notions of engagement and community, and to our profound belief that real estate is about much more than bricks and mortar and financial investment.

Despite the growth of the digital universe, the built environment still provides the physical context for our personal and professional lives. We believe buildings are more than structures that take up space, they’re spaces that structure lives – and they are critical to helping us honor the past, thrive in the present and lean into the future.

At WiRED, we believe in the power of the built environment to cultivate community. For us, real estate development isn’t just about building or buying structures to generate financial success. It’s about recognizing that the built environment can’t be separated from the web of social dynamics that inhabit it, and it’s about planning and programming spaces to generate community success.

We’re experts at using real estate to tie different people, distinct places and disparate times—the threads of every community—together. Connecting these threads creates an urban fabric that’s more physically intertwined and therefore more socially engaged. To accomplish this, we take a user-centered approach, considering a community’s current and future needs, and collaborating with stakeholders at every level to ensure everything we create breaks down barriers, encourages interaction and energizes communities. We call this Urban Weaving.

For the last 12 years, we’ve used this philosophy to conceptualize, fund and develop some of the most visionary and socially beneficial real estate in the region. With a Consulting Practice that develops both properties and programs, an At-Risk Development arm that takes on neighborhood-creating developments, and Fee Development services for community-conscious partners who share our values, WiRED exists for projects that have an impact.

Consistent with that commitment, today we’re launching not only a new website, but also a new consulting platform that we call the WiRED MAP (Millennial Action Plan).

We’re thrilled to announce that Ian Abston has joined the WiRED team. Ian is a national Millennial thought leader and a community creation expert. His expertise spans social programming to employee and resident recruitment and retention. And, he’s a Millennial himself, which we don’t hold against him.

The WiRED MAP is unlike any consulting platform we’ve seen. It’s an acronym, but it stands alone. Like its namesake, we provide strategic and tactical wayfinding for corporations and municipalities searching for a path to a more engaged and attractive community. We couple our real estate expertise with our unparalleled expertise in community engagement to provide 360 degrees of strategy around the built environment and social dynamics.

As part of our new platform, we hope to become a resource for folks looking to expand their understanding of the intersection between the built environment and community. We’ll be producing a monthly newsletter called The Urban Weaver that offers digested insights from things we find as we read and research. We’ll be providing regular video content of our public speaking and interviews with interesting folks. We’ll be producing quarterly white papers on topics we find compelling, and we’ll produce an annual research paper on critical trends in our culture and economy.

Welcome to the new WiRED. We’d love to talk to you about your real estate and community needs.

We’re WiRED Properties, where real estate development is community development.